Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Read Me From the Top Down…AKA THIS ONE FIRST!

As long as you are already caught up!! If not refer to the one titled “Finals” or “I suck at updating my blog” or something along those lines.


OK, if you’re ready so am I, it’s about time I got caught up!!!!

Well, I’m going to post these in a couple continuous installments. After this they will be in chronological order from where I left off before (AKA Right after WALES). I am doing this purely to help you pretend that it’s not the longest thing you’ve had to ever read in one sitting. Or to mark a good stopping point until you motivate yourself once again to read this madness I am producing.

I guess I’ll start with now and then go back to the beginning of memory lane. Right now I am on my first ever night train. Zurich to Wien, you know it better as Vienna (“the American way”). I am in the cheapest of accommodations because, hey, I already forked out hundreds of bones for a rail pass, I figured 36 Swiss Franks was plenty. I am in a 6-person “couchette” type room. Pretty much the seats on both sides double as beds, as do the headrests fold down into another level of beds. And then the “ceiling huggers” get to be all the way at the top of the rickety ladder (which isn’t that high, but is still kinda weird). I’ve deemed myself a “ceiling hugger” tonight. This is my explanation as to why 28 minutes into the trip I’ve decided this. 1. The two other people in the room know each other and will probably keep talking longer than I want to stay awake, so I can’t exactly be awkward and lie down where they are sitting, and I sure can fold down the “headrest level”. And 2. The old lady will break her hip if she tries to climb this ladder. Hell, I might break MY hip!

Anyways better get to the good stuff before I pass out!

(Oh and just FYI – I’m taking a break too. HEY! Being funny is tiring work!)


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