Thursday, November 22, 2007

UK Tour Part 1 of 3


Yes, yes, I went there. Get over it. Ha. In America the response is, "You went to Wales?!? That's awesome! How was it?" In England its more of, "Why? Did you have to go there for something? Did you enjoy the sheep? Hahahaha..." Quite the contrast!

But back to the point. I went to Wales last weekend to visit my friend Donney (I know him from Seattle, he's just home in Wales for a couple months). And let me tell you it was awesome! It was fabulous to be able to lounge on a couch, watch tv, eat home cooked meals that I didn't make, talk about Seattle and San Deegan and have someone know what I was talking about, see someone I knew from before this adventure started... etc. etc. It was like a mini vacation from my life. Haha.

Anyway, Donney lives between Neath and Swansea on the southwest coast of Wales. So we spent quite a bit of time touring through Swansea and the more upper-class neighborhood, Mumbles. I got to see the Welsh coast (unfortunately no pics--it was so cloudy the sky kind of melted into the ocean) and Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas's house. :) We ate ice cream at one of the best ice cream parlors I've ever been to, Joe's. Just plain vanilla ice cream -- usually not a fan, but this was the BEST vanilla I've ever had. And we got it with chocolate bits (sprinkles) and strawberry sauce. YU-UM! So good, that we went again on Sunday.

Friday night and Saturday were both devoted to football games which was great! Friday night was Swansea City -- unfortunately a loss and a very boring game to watch. Still a cool atmosphere though. And then Saturday we went to Cardiff (the REAL cardiff) and watched Wales play Republic of Ireland. Saw a great goal from Wales and a last minute penalty to tie the game in the end. Really cool. Also got to experience the Swansea nightlife. Pretty similar to anywhere else, but fun for a first timer in the area.

All in all a great, relaxing weekend.

Next week: Part 2 -- Dublin

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