Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A Much Needed Fix

Ok my faithful blog readers, aka family, my next blog is here! There's no real theme to this blog seeing as the last two weeks have been full of lots of random, unrelated but all equally important things. That being said I'm just going to take a chronological approach with this...

So October 1st marked the beginning of Uni for all us freshers. And let me tell you its quite different! I have 4 classes and they are mostly just once a week. So my "longest" day of school ends up being monday because I have 3 one hour classes. DIFFICULT, I know. Anyway, the two hardest things that come with such a lax schedule are a) remembering that I am actually here to learn and not just play around and b) getting the motivation to go off campus and check out the area because really, my campus is in the middle of a cow pasture. NO JOKE. Assessment as they call it here, is a bit different as well. Its all based on essays and unseen exams. Lucky for me my two classes that have unseen exams take said exams in MAY. So since I won't be here my grade gets to be based on just a short essay and my involvement in the class. Now, assessment is my biggest downfall because its hard to keep motivated when all I'm going to be graded on is an essay on a topic of my choice that only encompasses a part of the course. Oh well. So far so good though, because all of my classes are really really interesting.
History of the Holocaust, Sociology of Health and Medicine (social inequality, socialized medicine,etc), The Novel (reading Dickens, V. Wolfe, Defoe, James Joyce, etc), and then Intro to Management (counts as a business class I need back at UW).

Now onto the fun stuff. My Social Life!

Generally, most evenings have been spent making dinner in my flat, hanging out with my flatmates, and maybe heading over to East Slope (campus bar) for a pint o' Guiness.

That being said some nights have been spent in Brighton checking out the nightlife there. I do like the club scene here a lot better than in America because the music is much, mucph better. Most clubs are playing either really old school fun to dance to music or electronic trance type music. Non of this "ghetto rap" junk they play in America. My top most memorable club nights in Brighton thus far have been Paul Oakenfold and last night.

So last week a group of us went to see Paul Oakenfold (really well know DJ - even in America) for cheap! 7 pounds cheap! It was soo much fun and at a great venue in town called Tru (pictures up on site). We danced and had a great great time. I even met a pretty cute Aussie (Andrew). hehe.

Last night was the opening student night for Oceana. A giant club chain would be the best (and worst) description. This is, I believe the 8th or so Oceana to open in England. The club itself has 4 themed and decorated to the theme bars: Tahiti, French classic, Alps, and then like a swanky lounge type. It also has two clubs: Icebox or Icehouse or Icesomething (during the week 18+, weekends 20+) and the New York Disco (20+ during the week - I felt special! and 23+ weekends). This disco room is amazing! The dance floor is full of multi colored tiles that light up in some sequence or another and of course tons of disco balls! Katie (flatmate) and I started off the night by visiting Andrew at the bar he works at across the street (coincidentally enough its an Australian themed bar - almost too cheesy) and then meeting up with friends at Oceana. Great, amazing brand new place with pretty good tunes. It ended up being a fabulous night for the sheer fact that I was there with friends, great atmosphere, lots of cool new people to meet.

Hm lets see what else. I'm falling in love with football (soccer) and rugby and watching said sports at different local bars/pubs in Brighton. Karl and Mike (flatmates) are teaching me the ins and outs of premiership teams and we've been usually watching a couple games a week. This past weekend and then tomorrow (wed) have been/will be exciting because they are national games (England team playing instead of teams w/in England) and are qualifying games for the Euro 2008 Tournament. Also going on right now is the Rugby World Cup (every 4 years). And England has successfully beaten Australia in the quarters and France in the semifinals and will be playing South Africa (reeeeeally good team) on Saturday to defend their champion status. We'll be camping out somewhere with A WHOLE LOT of Brits cheering England on.

Other than that just starting to square away some side trips before my time is up here. I've got the beginning of my winter trip to Switzerland and Germany figured out. I'll be staying in Zurich for a few days with a friend and his family. I'm also days away from booking a weekend trip to Ireland (Dublin) which is looking like mid to late november. Also a possible trip to Paris to visit a girlfriend studying abroad from UW.

So I apologize for the density, and lack of humor, in this blog but I can't leave anything out ya know? I'll get better about posting more frequently. ANNND more pictures are going up next!


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