Monday, October 22, 2007

Hey Kiddies...


The uploading of my second photo album has triggered some adventures locked away in my brain. Lucky for you guys they are free for the telling now.

1. Fish & Chips Beach Date (could also be labeled as yet another (mis)adventure)

After watching Manchester United win one brisk Wednesday night, Mike, Karl, Katie, and I decided it would be a fantastic idea to be quite British. Not too difficult seeing as how 50% of the group IS British. Anyways, I digress, we decided in order to "be" British we must take fish and chips down to Brighton beach and, oh yes, eat them. The best place to do this would have to be at the blue and white painted Fish & Chips place on the water. It had the perfect corner location, decent amounts of people in it when we had walked by before, the fact that the phrase "established for over 45 years" was painted on the outer walls only helped its credibility. So we order our grub, which they serve to us in a homemade paper cone and walk to the beach. We settle comfortably on the rocks (since there is no sand) and begin to eat. First bite is Amazing because we are so proud of the fact that we are being sooo British and cool. Second, third, fourth bites I start to realize we probably could have found a better place, but not wanting to "ruin the moment" I say nothing. Fast foward through finishing our food, playing in the rocks, skipping stones, and wandering home we are all on Karl's bedroom floor gobbling Katie's fruit flavored TUMS. Ouch. Never again.

2. Take me Out to the Slot Machine...

After watching England beat Estonia (I love how all my stories are post sporting events...) Alex and Millsy and I decide that since it is quite gorgeous outside we will walk across the street from Belushi's to the pier and "check it out". The pier reminds me of Santa Monica Pier except way cooler because it is in England. We walked into one of the arcades and I realized there were slot machines! It was like Christmas come early, I was a little kid in a candy store with no prices, I was ... ok really, it wasn't that amazing. But since I've never gambled I thought it was kinda cool. We park ourselves at the closest 10p machine I can see and have a go. One 10p coin in slot, press button, nothing. One more 10p coin in slot, press button, nothing. HOW BORING! How little old ladies can sit in Vegas all day in front of those things is beyond me. If I had won after sitting in front of one of those things for 6 hours I'd probably die. This is my reasoning, after 6 hours you have accepted that your life sucks, you are only capable of doing this one mindnumbing sequence, all of a sudden there is a loud swirly type sound screaming at you, you go into cardiac arrest because the sound scares the crap out of your silly head, and you die. Woops. Bit overboard I know, but I thought slot machines were WAY cooler than that!

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