Saturday, September 22, 2007

London Calling!

Well Ladies and Gents, I MADE IT! I'm sitting in this fab little (but VERY packed) cafe called Tinderbox sipping on the hands down best vanilla latte I've ever had and just trying to soak in the amazing-ness that is London.

After waiting over an hour to get through customs at gatwick (apparently NOT normal at all according to a local) and having a treacherous experience with the train and underground (subway) due to my excess amount of baggage, I dragged my tired little self into the 4-star Hilton Islington to check in early. After freshening up a bit I head out to live up my day in London. Grabbed a sandwich from the ever fabulous (I almost cried when I saw it) Pret-A-Manger "lunch-type" shop and took the underground to Trafalgar Square to meet up with Corey. He's a fellow UW student heading to Sussex this fall. We galavanted all over town and checked out Parliament, Buckingham Palace (the Queen is in), Harrod's, etc. Anyway, now I'm here relaxing for a bit before dinner and a drink in Picadilly Circus area tonight.

My plan with this blog is to try and get a new post in once or twice a week to keep all of you updated. I'll also have a picture website that you can reach at

To reach me while I'm on this fabulous vacation (yes, even though I have school it's DEFINITELY a vacation) you can do a few things:
Email -->
IM --> tinkabell321
Skype --> saraj171
Call --> (206) 905 - 1465 This IS a Seattle number, its a feature from Skype, you call it from your home or cell and it calls my computer, if I'm there I answer and we chit chat, if not leave a message!

Until next time,

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