Sunday, September 23, 2007

Freshman Take 2

Never in my life did I think I'd feel like I was 18 and going to college for the first time, again. Move in day was everything it should be and more. The excitement of being mere hours away from a world with no parents, freedom some might call it, was everywhere. And of course that comes complete with parents (mostly moms) having break downs in almost every car I happened to pass on the way to the co-op. I think its pretty rad they have a co-op store on campus. I have found out pretty quickly that Sussex is fairly known for being a more liberal Uni.

Anyhow, I'm situated in Park Village for the next 3 months, building 25 room A. Each building has 3 floors, 4 rooms on each floor, kitchens on 1 & 3, and a bathroom on 2. Pretty good setup. I think we've got about 5 boys and 7 girls. Weird sharing a bathroom with boys! But we all get along pretty great, well the 9 of us that choose to be social anyways. We spent last night hanging out in the 1st floor kitchen/hall area and getting to know each other. Complete with an excusion to the co-op for wine (wine on campus!!) and walker's prawn cocktail crisps (translation: Lay's chips that taste like cocktail sauce). Luckily we skipped the roast chicken crisps and jammie dodgers (they dont sound too bad... I love the name though and had to drop them in somewhere).

Today was a short excursion into Brighton. We had some lunch, walked around the mall, and got some food from Marks & Spencers (fairly similar to the Metropolitan Market). Tomorrow I have a compulsory (mandatory) session at 9 to listen to the international program director. Afterwards Katie, who lives upstairs and is from UCSC, and I are going back to Brighton with the International kids to have a proper tour of Brighton. As for the rest of the week, we've got Wednesday through Sunday off, so she and I may head to London later in the week to go to a show (mamma mia? rent?) and hang out with her bf who is at Uni. London.

Ok, long enough. Will get pictures up soon! Promise!

Address at Uni: Sara Johnson
House 25, Room A
Park Village
University of Sussex
Falmer, East Sussex BN1 9RD

Send me stuff!

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